Monday 3 September 2012


What with all the schedule changes, I'm going to be a busy fellow.

Work five days a week, just like a normal person.

On all of them I head off to train or teach at between 4 and 5 o'clock.

The most common return time is after 8:30.

Saturday has me out the door for a couple of hours at 9:30am, and then again in the early afternoon.

A lot of it is travel time. Still, it's 10.5 hours of training.

I like doing it. It's fun.

There are downsides. The only day left for me to run in is Sunday. That's OK, as I run because it's good for me. I don't enjoy it.

I like going to restaurants, and my work/play severely interferes with opportunities. In my small town most of the eateries are closed on Sunday. This eliminates my only unbooked lunch opening, and leaves only Saturday evening for a restaurant supper.

I'll have to grab as many of those as possible, as Helen gets her weekends heavily booked up with her music groups. I prefer going out to eat with her.

Other downsides? I only use a uniform for one session before laundering. They get considerably soaked with sweat. That means two Karate and six Jiu-Jitsu suits to wash each week. Two totally fill the washer, so that's four loads of laundry. Also, they don't just go into the dryer; oh, no. They have to hang to dry or they get wrecked. They dry slow.

More downsides? Well, there's the occasional injury. More are due to being an old, active dude rather than from the violence inherent in martial arts, but there are both kinds. Usually something hurts.

That's it. My big, whiny list of complaints.

I can't wait to get started.

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