Saturday 8 September 2012

Open house

Open house day at the new Jiu-Jitsu training location. It's ready to go, exept the plumbing doesn't quite work.

Would any new people show up?

A couple of us got suited and out onto the mat. We were sort of set decorations. Wouldn't do to have it look like a ghost town.

In no time at all strangers started showing up. Strangers bringing their kids for a look see. After a bit the instructor took all the kids through a sample class. He made it fun and active. A few people then signed their children up on the spot. Some didn't, but all seemed very positive.

At lunchtime I headed out as I had to teach my own Karate club.

It's hard enough to run something like this when the expenses are minimal. I can't even imagine doing it when paying real rent on a big space.

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