Wednesday 5 September 2012

Today was the first real day back at school. It was the first day when the classes were an hour and a quarter long.

I like my job, and I've been at it a long time.

However, work does get in the way.

Classes end a little after three in the afternoon. Jiu-Jitsu starts at 5:30pm.

"No problem," thinks you.

"Problem!" says I.
If I plan carefully, and there are no meetings, and no kid needs to talk to me I can just get myself home by 3:45. To be on time for training, and allowing  a few minutes to suit up, I have to leave the house again by 4:45.

In that hour I have to find my supper.

Keep in mind, one hour is the most I'll ever get. Often it will be significantly less.

In the big scheme of things this is incredibly minor.

Maybe I'll get all organized and have meals all set up in the fridge ready to microwave. Maybe I'll start taking the car to work all packed with my Jiu-Jitsu gear and go straight from there. Maybe I'll grab fast food.

Probably I'll just muddle along doing the best I can.

I'm retiring soon, and then the time crunch will magically vanish.

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