Thursday 17 November 2011


It's a crappy day to be sick. I know it's never great, but there are definitely better and worse times.

If I miss Jiu-Jitsu, I miss part of a 23 class cycle. Won't get the missed topic again for 11 1/2 weeks. Students need every class in the cycle 3 times before they can advance. As I am taking a few private lessons, I can fill in a hole here or there, but miss too many and I'll have to do an entire extra cycle.

Also, as a teacher, I have to prepare the day for the substitute. Right now the internet is down, and I can't get anything done. I used to have paper resources, but that was during the Dark Ages. No internet means I'm in the Dark Ages again, but with no paper resources.

When I'm sick, I have to go in to school to set the day up. After that I come home and sit in my chair with a few cinnamon muffins and fancy coffee. I watch TV, surf the net...that sort of thing. Did I mention that the internet is down? I'll still have TV, but the best part is gone. In fact I won't really have complete TV either, as about half of my viewing these days comes via the web.

I'm expecting two Xbox games. They might arrive today, or even be waiting in the mailbox. If they end up in my hot little hands, I'll pop them into the machine and off we go. Of course, they will check the internet for updates and download them automatically. Did I mention that the internet is down? They will try and check for updates, fail, and not work.

At least the coffee and muffins will still work.

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