Monday 23 September 2013

This Week

This week is going to be a minor landmark for my Jiu-Jitsu.

It starts today, Monday. Madeline and I are getting together on the mat to work over exam material. It's the first time we've really done this, and shows just how close the test is getting.

In regular training this week, we'll be covering Back Mount Frame Escape. This will end a chapter for all of us, but for me it is more. This is the last technique I need to complete in the group class. The next unit that the group class starts is one that I completed back in May.

On Friday and Saturday there is a Gracie Jiu-Jitsu seminar being held down in Seattle, a mere three-hour drive away. Several of us are heading down. Six training hours with Rener Gracie will be outstanding.

I hope that this will all help me make the transition from “guy training,” to “totally focused on training.”

The exam looms.

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