Thursday 26 September 2013

Pace change

I don't like martial arts exams, but am looking forward to this one.

Perhaps it would be more honest to say I'm looking forward to it being over.

Once the test is done, my next one won't occur for several years. There will be no pressure at all for me regarding rank.

We do very basic technique at the White Belt class. I enjoy attending these sessions, and work on the material along with everybody else. Most people have a side of the body they favor while training. I, myself, am very right-handed. I almost always train right-handed. I plan on switching this and making a point of working my basics on the opposite side. I don't do that now, as I want to be fully confident in my movement, and going left-side can seriously alter this.

For me, every Blue Belt technique covered in the advanced class will be the second time through. This will strengthen my movement and effectiveness greatly. I'm also going to make sure I'm not right-handed here, either.

If I pass, I'll also be learning the next level of curriculum. Although I quite enjoy training technique repeatedly, the new stuff will make my brain keep working and keep everything fresh. I'll likely be the only student at this level for a while. As I'm going to miss chunks of training due to travel, I can expect to go through all of this material twice before my next exam. I might be more-or-less alone for most the first time through, but by the second rotation I should have peers. Even the new material won't have a pressure feel to it.

Right now, I do extra training at least twice a week. I enjoy this, but won't really need the time for review. I've already invited a student who is about to receive his Blue Belt to join me. He has a work schedule that precludes regular attendance at the advanced class. I've offered to work with him at open-mat time on whatever he has missed.

If I don't pass, I'll have to keep cramming and reviewing until I get it right. This will delay all my lovely new training expectations.

But I'm hoping to pass.

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