Monday 16 September 2013

Do it again

School clubs are very fragile things. For one thing, every year the oldest kids graduate and leave.

Of the rest, they are tempted by the other after school activities. Think of all the sports, as well as drama and the music program. Don't forget all the non-school activities available as well; think hockey, and swimming. Our town also has a very popular dance school.

Kids often try things and move on quickly.

We started the Jiu-Jitsu club as an experiment back in April. We started with about 20 kids. Within a month we were down to about 8. This group remained intact until the year ended in June. I considered this a great success.

The new school year has just started, so last week we got the club going again. We weren't really after new people at first, hoping to get the old core rolling first. Pretty much all of the old hands were back on the very first day, along with a single, unexpected beginner. If nobody else joins up, this is enough to continue with.

On the second day, there were 5 more beginners.

Today was the start of the second week, and there were 3 more beginners.

It was crowded, but neither safety nor learning were compromised.

The old crew seemed pleased to be at it again, and some of the new ones were bubbling with excitement.

It's fun.

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