Sunday 29 September 2013


My upcoming exam is very intimidating.

I'm not scared of the three sparring sections. They are just variations on rolling; each five minutes long. If a section is good, it is included in the exam package. If it's weak, the participants have a drink of water, a breather, and do it again.

It is the three 15-minute technical sections that are daunting. Each is at least as complex as the entirety of my last exam. Each must be precisely performed.

I am reviewing over and over to get these three parts ready, and then to keep them ready. I could do the first of these with maybe a day's notice and do about a half of my review time keeping it up to snuff. I'll be happy when it's done, if only so my practice time can be concentrated on the remaining two sections.

After the video recording is finished, it all gets uploaded to HQ for evaluation.

The scoring is harsh. In the entire thing, consisting of hundreds and hundreds of movements, a maximum of 20 demerits are allowed. A foot out of place, a hand following a wrong trajectory, an error in sequence, or even standing up wrong are all demerits. Don't even talk to me about hips, head placement, posture, or grip.

My last test had about a third as much technical material, and no free sparring at all. I had 11 errors.

So I've been plugging away to get ready. About a week ago another student committed to the testing soon, and therefore I have a training partner. We've been finding time to work together whenever we can. This is largely on top of my normal review.

I also just got home from a seminar covering part of my exam material.

And it's all a hobby. Sheesh.

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