Thursday 6 October 2011

Old Dude

I am 55 years old, and have chosen my retirement date. I am going in last few months of the upcoming, 2012-2013 school year.

This means I have less than two school years left.

My brain has started playing little games with this. For example, when this year started I had two Septembers to go. Now that September is done, I only have one more. Next September is the very last one I'll work. I like that.

It is almost Canadian Thanksgiving. I have two Canadian Thanksgivings left in my work career. After this weekend, I'll only have one more.

I have two Xmas breaks left. Two long Januarys, two Spring Breaks. As each happens, there will only be one left.

When I reach the last part of the coming school year this will change. Because I plan on retiring before the end of the year in 2013, I currently only have one left of each of those months.

What does this mean? Well, I have one June left. When I complete this coming June, I will have none. My Junes will be gone, as will my Mays. I will already be in my last year.

I love my job, but I love not doing it even better.

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