Friday 11 October 2013


So how is the testing all going?

Well, Madeline did two of her sparring sections this week and both were good. I had three of mine videod, but only one is worth keeping.

Today, Madeline started started on her first technical section.

About ten minutes in, Madeline's partner made a small error which confused her and brought everything to a halt.

After a short break, she went again. This time she went for about 15 minutes, and was only a couple of movements from the end before her partner screwed up again.

I felt like crap as I was her partner.

That was all the time we had, as a class was about to start on the mat.

We meet again tomorrow for her third attempt. If successful, I then try and do the same exam part with her as my partner. She won't screw up for me at all, and I don't mind if I mess up on my own test.

Then we have to get ready to do the whole thing two more times in the next two weeks. This week's stuff is the material we are both the most confident with. The rest will take a ton of work to get ready. We will also be much more likely to make errors.

I've decided not to the last two sparring segments until after all the hard parts of the test are complete. The sparring is pretty intense, and there is a small chance of injury. Injury could interfere with either practice or with being able to test. Gonna do them last. I won't roll in class either, at least not with any intensity at all.

This coming week I'll be short two training days as I am getting a routine colonoscopy. How much fun does that sound?

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