Tuesday 22 October 2013


There are two of us with only a single part of our Jiu-Jitsu exam to finish this week.

Madeline is blowing the whole thing away. If she keeps performing as she has been, there is no possibility of a failing grade.

It is harder for me. In the three test sections we've been plowing through, a candidate is permitted a total of 20 demerits. These are given for any variation from acceptable technique.

I think I did pretty good on test section one. We recorded my second section on Monday. It was probably OK, but there were errors. Honestly, I don't think I'll ever be able to do it better. That test section is just a killer.

This means that I want to do very well on the part we're doing this week. That will leave more of my demerits available to keep test section two afloat.

I'm not even worrying about the three sparring sections of the exam. Madeline has finished all of her's, and I have two to go. Those can be banged off in one evening anytime.

This is an extremely difficult examination process.

The most annoying part is that at the HQ Gracie School, there are no exams at all. There the ranks are awarded once a student has put in enough time if they are good enough. Their instructors are the same ones who authorize our promotions. Down there they have intimate knowledge of the students and exams are not necessary.

They don't know us at all. So we take exams.

Crushingly difficult exams.

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