Sunday 24 June 2012


Gracie Jiu-Jitsu HQ has only had their hands on my Blue Belt exam video for less than a week. My instructor said it takes from one to three weeks to find out how a grading has gone.

Today, suddenly my results showed up. Somebody down there was working on evaluation on Sunday. I don't know who they are, but I like them a lot.

I passed, and am thrilled. The news is all over Facebook, and the congratulations are pouring in.

The test has taken over seven weeks to complete. It will be good to really get it out of my mind. I can also get back to cycling to work. My bike has been in the shop.

Back to normal.

I get to start attending the advanced Jiu-Jitsu classes. This doesn't mean that I'll give up on the White Belt class. I'll go to both.

When I started Jiu-Jitsu back in September, I didn't know if my old body would hold up to the strain. It has performed in a sparkling fashion. I have managed to complete the path to Blue Belt in nine months. This is pretty fast, as people usually say it takes a year.

I believe I've also broken a minor record in another way. There are only three Gracie Jiu-Jitsu schools in Canada, and two of these are under a year old.

I might just be oldest guy in the country to get a Gracie Blue Belt.

Hold the applause.

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