Wednesday 13 June 2012

4 minutes

I need 4 minutes.

I have 7 evening Combatives classes and 3 Reflex classes to fit those four minutes into. No sweat.

Most likely I'll get my 4 minutes tomorrow evening.

If I get it done, and if it's good enough, my Blue Belt exam will be over.

The video of the five sections gets uploaded to the Gracie website. They then look it all over and start counting up errors.

Use the wrong grip, and it's an error. Wrong knee position, and it's an error. That sort of thing. A first 20 errors are not a problem. They let you know exactly what you did wrong. Over 20 errors and the exam is a fail. Don't want that to happen.

One thing I learned from Karate is that I hate exams. I have hated this one more than most as it has taken a month and a half to complete. That's a lot of exam there to hate.

If I train with great regularity, I might be ready for the next test in about a year. Not really a reward if you ask me.

If everything goes well with the Gracie distance education program the material for the level beyond that will be ready by the time I get there.

If it does, and things keep rolling along I could conceivably crank out a level a year. That would put a Purple Belt about five years away. I'll be in my sixties by then. Brown? Middle sixties. Black? Early seventies.

OK, that likely will never happen, but Purple is a viable long-term goal.

Short term? Finish those 4 stupid minutes.

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