Sunday 10 June 2012

Bad E-bikes

Electric bike manufacturers are just as bad as regular bike makers.

They all tout their electric or electric-assist bikes as being aimed at the commuter market. The idea isn't to replace ordinary bikes but rather to replace cars. Good idea.

But they don't have a clue. Take the new Smart E-bike. It has had infinite resources poured into its design due to the fact the papa corporation is Mercedes. The thing look magnificent, the motor and controls sound wonderful, and it can take all sorts of smart phones into its operation. Cool. It is freakishly expensive.

The perfect commuter bike? Hardly. The bloody thing has only got 3 gears. What's with that?

It also has no fenders, and the frame is unable to take any ordinary after-market ones. Why is that? A commuter bike that a commuter can't ride with wet roads unless he wants to wear separate bike clothes. Don't you think commuters want to wear their work clothes and have them arrive without mud tracks all over them?

This is particularly irritating as they are so proud that their bike has a belt drive rather than chain. They boast that a rider won't get his pant cuffs all greasy. Really? No grease on the cuffs but mud splatter up your back is OK?

What would a commuter want in the way of casual extras? How about a cup holder, or a bottle cage that could double as one? None on the Smart E-bike and no place on the frame to mount one. How about on the handlebars? They are so artistic that there is little real estate there to take anything beyond maybe one light.

Here's what I think a commuter/electric bike should have.

Eight to ten gears with some type of gear system that doesn't require frequent mechanical adjustment. Decent range and the ability to extend this with easily removable batteries. A frame or handlebars with a normal amount of room for add-ons. A cup holder. FENDERS!!!!

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