Friday 6 March 2015


Our LA vacation in the second half of February, 2015....
Days 02/16 and 02/17

We arrived in Torrance on Sunday, and I headed into the Gracie Academy on Monday. Jackie at the counter knew who I was, which isn't astounding. She helped me set up my lessons before I arrived.

Rener Gracie arrived while I was at the counter, said ,"hi," and shook my hand, but there was no hint of recognition in his eyes. No reason he would remember me. Jillions of people pass through here all the time.

I think they check with the desk to see if anybody interesting is around and get fed a little info. During the class he greeted me warmly, and knew details about my last visit. It was pretty slick, and it makes a great impression.

The topic for all of my time here is supposed to be Mount Escapes, but the first two days have all been clinch takedowns. I don't mind that at all, as it's an area I consider myself particularly weak in.

After each class I record what we've just done. Much of my last visit blew away in the wind, and I don't want that to happen again.

I bought two gi in the size larger than what is supposed to fit me. As expected, it looked like I was swaddled in bedsheets, but after an initial hot water wash they are merely spacious. I love the fit, and wore them on Tuesday (day 2) and was wishing all my uniforms fit big like that.

Was at the counter again, and somebody started speaking to me from behind. It was Rorion Gracie, the patriarch of the Helio side of the clan. He asked it I was having fun, and I told him I that loved the place. Last time I spoke with him he called me, " young man," which is funny. We're the same age.

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