Monday 9 March 2015

Gracie Land

The Gracie Academy in Torrance, California is a wonderful place to learn. The programs and instructors are all first-rate, but the physical location is also top-notch.

Outside, they have a parking area. It isn't really all that big, but it is well laid out. There is a hedge of bamboo planted to soften one side that is a concrete wall. There is a steel fence protecting things, and a gate that they close at night.

Good, but not really enough parking by any stretch of the imagination. Being a detail-oriented family they do not leave their students scrambling out on the street for parking, and making enemies of the surrounding neighborhood.

Up the street there is a church. It also has a parking lot. Being a church, they don't need this area except on Sundays and for special events. The Gracies have made some kind of arrangement with the church for the use of their parking lot. Likely, this significantly helps out the Church financially, and Gracie students always have a place to park nearby.

The building itself isn't huge either, and is a strange, five-sided shaped.

Inside they have managed to pack everything that they need without cramping things up.

The reception area is nicely designed, and give a very good first impression. It is all stone counters, nice flooring, and other quality materials and aesthetics. It gives off a spa-type vibe rather than a boxing-gym aura. Along one wall is a display of some of the Gracies' clothing line. Rather than coming across as tacky, it seems impressive that a martial arts school would have such an extensive line of quality goods.

Hidden away behind the counter is the office zone, where the entire Gracie on-line presence is managed, along with the organization of their merchandising. I suspect that this is the one area where the Gracies scrimped on space, but none of it is in public view.

Off to one side is a small museum display of Gracie awards and memorabilia. They are a proud bunch and this is where their history is explained.

The change rooms are adequate, and continue the spa-like atmosphere. Everything is scrupulously clean. There is almost always somebody cleaning something. The shower is large and towels are provided.

There are two or three small, private lesson rooms. They measure about 12 by 15 feet, which is perfectly adequate.

The main mat is where they have tried to direct every inch of possible space. It is where the magic happens. I have paced it off to be about 50 by 90 feet. The floor is well padded, as are the wall up to about 8 feet. Along the shortest wall is a series of carpeted benches for spectators.

I don't know who is responsible for the design, but they have done an excellent job.

The end result is a classy, enticing facility that also perfectly fulfills its function as a training centre.

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