Saturday 3 January 2015

The Holidays

Christmas has been hard on this old fellow.

For one thing, I ate lots. Lots and lots.

And then of course, I didn't run very much. Circumstance and weather conspired to make it hard to hit the pavement. It was 12 days, and I think I managed to do it three times. I did respectable distance each time, but it didn't really add up to much. If I'd been home I might well have run every day, or almost.

Lastly, there was no Jiu-Jitsu at all. In the same period I would normally have trained for a total of 16 hours. That alone would have burned two pounds of body fat off of me. I can't complain too much, as our Jiu-Jitsu school was shut down for all of that time for the holiday.

Anyhow, there I was eating lots, not training, and only running a little bit. Today we got home, and it was weigh-in day. The good news is that my weight is only up by exactly one pound.

So now I'm back home, and all regular patterns will re-establish themselves. I'd been on a weight loss kick and now have about 3.2 pounds to shave off to achieve my goal. This should take me less than 2 weeks.

Not so awful.

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