Monday 12 January 2015

Bang it out

Three of our Blue Belts have now officially started their exam process. It was the first night of video recording. I don't know if all three finished the first test segment, but at least one of them did. He messaged me, and seemed pumped.

He did it on the first attempt. That means he was properly prepared.

I've been helping the Blues prepare and have two roles. I'm the only student in the club that's done the exam. Of course, our instructor has, but he has many other commitments. Job one is to show how the test the techniques should be performed. My other role is that of drill sergeant. Mostly, I say, “Good, do it again.” I say that a lot.

The plan is to start getting preparing for the second of the three segments tomorrow.

That will be tough. People work during the day, and kids classes cover the mat until 6pm. From 6 until 8 it's adult group classes.

The only real free time to get much accomplished will be after that. By then everybody is pretty bagged out, so I think only a limited amount can be achieved.

Anyhow, we'll start doing the drills on the first test segment's final techniques and work our way backwards towards the start.

The one we'll be working on is the killer of the three technical test segments.

There are 62 technique variations, and they are the most difficult and complicated that need to be demonstrated.

I'm hoping that we'll maybe cover 20 of them after class tomorrow. Quite likely we won't, but less than 10 would almost be not worthwhile doing.

Let's say we work well tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday. That would have things nicely lined up for the weekend. Anything left to review can be worked on, and some videoing done.

With a good push, nasty part two can be gotten out of the way. Another solid week of effort after that, and part three as well.

That would leave only the three sparring videos. Those don't require any particular preparation. All our candidates are quite able to bang those out at will.

If can all be done and submitted before January ends.

This is important as one of our three candidates will be moving away at the start of February, and he really wants to pass this test before he goes.

A reasonable goal, and we're on it.

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