Thursday 29 January 2015

60 year old

So why don't I rant and rave about class counts and months-in-rank anymore?

Simple. The die are already cast.

My instructor has said that I will receive my rank just before we leave for our upcoming wee holiday. That sets that promotion date quite nicely. When that long-awaited third stripe will arrive on my Blue Belt will, in turn set up the earliest that I can hope for the final number four.

With that all pretty well settled, the only possible question is when might a leap to Purple occur.

There is no set time or attendance to move from 4-stripe Blue to Purple, but I certainly don't want to rush it. I think we'll be doing a month or so in LA about 3 months and 60 classes after my receiving my fourth stripe. That seems tight to me.

The next possible visit would be the next fall, or maybe late winter. That would turn 3 months and 60 classes into somewhere between 13 months with 220 classes and 17 months and 275 classes. Somewhere in this range is my target date. My computer painlessly figures these things out for me.

It also says that I'll be a mere kid of 60.

With this road all paved, I've had time to wonder on other topics.

The first of these is when might I do the ugly, BBS2 exam. I am already getting asked about it. It contains 60 techniques, each with many variations. We've been going through it in class a little too fast for me to digest. Also, in the year or so that it's taken us to cover, I've been off travelling for about 1/3 of the classes.

My current level of readiness is just not there. Best do the cycle again. That should do it. We should be done that a year from this coming spring. That will be a good project for a 4-stripe Blue Belt to be working on.

I've also been wondering how good of a tutor I'm being to people preparing for their BBS1 exams. Just how well do I know that exam, and how we are doing on it?

My next blog entry will be about that, which is a whole other kettle of fish.

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