Wednesday 14 January 2015


It's been a long time since I've had any sort of injury, but that had to end.

I got a couple of bangs during the first couple of rolls last night, which would be noteworthy in itself. Nothing serious, and then my hand got jammed into the mat under a rapidly falling partner's body. Hurt like stink, but there's not much positive action you can take in a situation like that, so we kept rolling.

Didn't use that hand at all, which made me a pretty lame duck.

Interestingly, for the next roll our instructor called for everybody to tuck an arm under their belt, and to roll one armed. This was perfect for me. Instead of my getting dominated, Tobias and I were on a level field. It's hard as hell to get a submission under those circumstances, and it was mostly a fast-moving laugh fest.

Got the damaged digit on ice, and taped it to minimize swelling. This morning I unwrapped it. It's swollen, but not scarey big. There is also blue around a couple of the joints. I guess it didn't like getting crushed head on.

Training for a while will be a bit stunted. Best not roll at all, or do anything vigorously. I bang the stupid thing enough just navigating the day.

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