Friday 18 January 2013


The week is winding down. At Jiu-Jitsu the White Belt classes were full. We've even had a few new people give it a try. At least one has signed up.

However, the Blue Belt class attendance has stunk. Tuesday there were four of us, which is fine. Wednesday and Thursday it was just Stirling and me. Hard to get motivated without more people.

When I got my Blue Belt back in June, I was at the new guy in a healthy group in the advanced class.

That has changed.

As time has gone by, the number of us still training has slowly dropped. Of those still hitting the mat, most do so half-time or less. I am by far the most regular of the bunch.

For example; in the six classes since Christmas, 5 of us have attended at all. Of those, Stirling has been regular, Corey has been to a couple, Koko a couple, and Madeline about half. I've been to all of them.

I guess you could say I'm gaining on them.

Currently, Stirling is the club's assistant instructor. Whenever the boss is away Stirling takes over teaching responsibilities. There would be no weirdness, except he's moving to Australia in about a month.

Who does that make into the helper? Corey would be the logical choice as, like Stirling, he holds a higher-level Blue Belt than the rest of us. Logical, but he doesn't want to teach.

Koko is next in belt seniority, and then Madeline, but they are both teenagers. That doesn't always work well with an adult class. There are also legal issues. They will also likely head out of our small community after they graduate.

Right now the boss is in Mexico. Stirling can't come to the Kids classes, so Koko and Madeline have been splitting the teaching and have an adult in attendance. Stirling has been leading the White and Blue adult classes.

On the one night he couldn't come at all, the girls handled the Kids; I taught the White Belts and Koko lead review for the Blue Belts.

Maybe that is what we need; a team of helpers.



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