Wednesday 30 January 2013


Everybody I know my age has one; a back problem. Some call theirs a, “bad shoulder” or a, “bum hip,” but it's all the same.

It's defective structure. Who designed these things?

My own is about as slight as they come. Once or twice a year I get this twinge feeling. This is a signal that tells me to knock off everything physical, to cease lifting or twisting, and to get ready to be off work for up to a week.

This all ended about a year and a half ago. Since I've been training in grappling there have been no missed work days, and not even a single back-twinge feeling. This was the opposite of what I originally thought rolling around would do for me.

Nothing lasts forever, and finally, on Sunday I had a twinge. Not a full one, mind you, but something. I didn't know how to react. Would I still miss work? Should I still take things super careful?

I went careful. The bike riding to work stopped. The only risky thing I did at all was Jiu-Jitsu class last night. The techniques we were doing were as back friendly as they come.

Still 100% this morning. That's three days since the semi-twinge. I could feel absolutely nothing in my back at all.

I rode my bike to work. My back now feels a little stiff now.


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