Thursday 31 January 2013

Less time

Something really big happened last night at Jiu-Jitsu. I didn't really notice, but it's huge. I needed a bit of time to digest it.

At my level, I'm effectively the only student. There are technically about a dozen, but in the last two weeks only one has attended, and he came only a single time.
In the same two-week period, I attended every one of the six classes. I also practiced my material at the four open-mat sessions, and also had one private lesson.
The instructor knows that I'm trying to finish my level early.
Last night he said that if we structure things just a little differently we might be able to shave a week off the normal 3 week chapter review. He only mentioned this might happen for the current chapter.
I guess he knows I'll find enough time to do the equivalent of a third week of review on my own, which I will.
I'm already trying to compress 57 weeks of training into the next 40 weeks in order to finish by November. Maybe it is now 56 weeks worth of curriculum to work on. If it happens for the other four chapters, it might be down to 52.
Still a challenge, but considerably less so. The worst that might happen is that it doesn't work out. The best outcome would be that it becomes a regular thing.

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