Friday 21 December 2012

Mayan Apocalypse

Martial arts have ended around here until 2013. Year end is traditionally a time for looking back, and also for looking ahead.

Karate classes ended early this week, leaving only Jiu-Jitsu to wrap up.

The Jiu-Jitsu classes on Thursday were cancelled, and there was a big test for the 40 or so kids. I don't know how Shawn does it. They range from early teens down to pre-school age. Afterwards, it was a year-end party for all the students from every group as well as family. The food went fast and the place was packed.

Tonight we had the final two sessions. It was open mat, followed by Hapkido. I was there for the former, even though I've been down sick for the better part of a week. I went over my drills a few times, and helped a couple of the White Belts with their stuff. When the Hapkido class lined up, that was my signal to head home.

That's when I started thinking over the year past, and the year ahead.

A lot has happened in my martial arts world in 2012.

I started that year still attending Cheri's ISKF Karate Class. Last Christmas I was still a baby White Belt having only started at the end of September; not even allowed to attend the weekly Reflex Development class that the more advanced White Belts take. I was about a month into private lessons to increase my progress.

In January I stopped attending Karate altogether. In balance, I qualified for the Jiu-Jitsu Reflex Development class.

By April I was finished with private Jiu-Jitsu lessons, and by the end of the month had completed one fifth of my Blue Belt exam. I also launched a new Karate Club.

Most of my Karate Club were people who had left the ISKF club, or who had been former students of mine. Several were greatly overdue for belt exams. I pushed them, and by July most had completed two levels. Also by Summer, I had earned my Jiu-Jitsu Blue Belt.

I stopped both activities for the Summer to be with friends and family. I did, however, realize a life-long dream to train at the Victoria Judo Club. It was very cool.

September had me back at both my regular martial arts. The progress of my Karate students has been steady, as has my own progress as a student of Jiu-Jitsu. I've started a schedule of private lessons again to enhance my progress.

My goals for the coming year are pretty ambitions. At Karate, it is all about the students. I'm trying to get us accepted as part of Karate BC and the Japan Karate Association. This year should see Cody wearing a Brown Belt, with others making similar gains.

In Jiu-Jitsu I plan on getting a stripe added to my Blue Belt, which would be more than 4 months early. I was quick getting through my first level, and would like to keep up this pace.

A Mayan Apocalypse would have ruined everything.

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