Wednesday 14 November 2012


Another weird Jiu-Jitsu night. For the second time in a row I was the demonstration dummy. That's the guy that the instructor uses to demonstrate the technique. I was the only Blue Belt guy there tonight.

When the White Belts went home there was almost nobody left for the advanced class. It was just the instructor and me.

It was really a private lesson. I can't complain about that.

The question is, "where were the other Blue Belts?"

One is out of town right now, and another is off with a nasty work-related injury. Of the others I have no clue.

Last night there were three Blue Belt students there, and tonight just me. That's pretty low turnout both nights. I wonder if it will go that way again tomorrow. I sure hope not. We need a healthy group.

A healthy advanced group means a source of assistant teachers. It also means smoother progress for the members within the advanced group itself.

People also become friends over time. Sometimes they just vanish. It happens a lot in martial arts, but it isn't ever good.

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