Sunday 25 November 2012


This is my last year of teaching. It isn't for my wife, but she is planning to match me for a while by taking a year off.

Sometime in that year off together, I'm hoping to spend a month in Los Angeles. Helen seems to be on board with the idea.

The question arises; how much Jiu-Jitsu training can I do in a month?

I could attend over forty classes, and as many private lessons as I care to pay for. How much progress can I make with all that opportunity?

Let's say we wait until the weather at home gets nasty, and go after Christmas for the month of January. I will have only one chapter of my Jiu-Jitsu level left to complete before my exam. At home this would take me until April. Can I expect to accelerate this? You would think so.

There are 11 techniques in that chapter. At home, each takes three classes to complete. No way to predict how many of the Los Angeles classes will be addressing those 11 techniques. To be safe, I'd best be ready to take enough private lessons to cover each of these at least once.

My math skill says 3 private classes a week would guarantee coverage. Easy peezie.

So back home all Hollywood and Disneyfied after January is over, and ready to test. That would be February instead of April. A month in Los Angeles will move my exam up by two months. Cool.

So what do I get besides a couple of months earlier promotion? I will have trained under and with world class martial artists. This is an entirely different kettle of fish. It will deepen my understanding in a fundamental way.

And it will be fun.


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