Saturday 20 October 2012

Strange lens

I tend to forget stuff. Usually, it's the small items.

Can't even begin to list the number of times I've ended up someplace without my glasses. They aren't needed for driving, but without them reading isn't going to happen.

My old solution, if you can call it that, was to have cheap, drugstore reading glasses scattered liberally about. That way if my real glasses weren't to hand, I could still get by. The problem was that my safety net only worked half of the time. The spares tended to migrate as I moved about.

Yesterday, I was waiting at a restaurant for Helen. My glasses were a coupleof blocks away parked inside my car. There were no spares in my bag.

I did have my iPad with me, and it came to the rescue. The camera is good enough I could point it at the printing, and then stretch the image nice and big.

Granted, I looked like a geek using a tablet device to read a menu. I couldn't use my less noticable phone, as its camera is just not up to the task. Helen's iPhone would be dandy.

I've known for a long time that this was possible. I've use my iPad to record documents photographically several times, but this was the first time I've done it "live".

I could imagine going to Vancouver solo for Karate sometime and forgetting my glasses.

Bet I'd have my iPad.

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