Tuesday 2 October 2012

Long, lovely fall...

The weather has been glorious for all of September, and the first week of October seems like it's going to be the same.

This makes my weekend runs pretty painless, and my early morning ride to work a joy.

It can't last forever. Soon it will be seriously dark when I head off to work, and the temperature is slowly inching its way down.

Once the bad weather kicks in and stays things can get nasty. Imagine a month of riding through the dark at near freezing temperatures, through driving rain. Such is the joy of Canada's pacific coast in late fall and winter.

I've done it for the last four winters. It is something I won't miss at all after I retire. This will be my last ugly season of bike riding.

I hate the dark almost as much as the wet and cold. Luckily, it hasn't really snowed for the last four winters and I haven't had to deal with that. On those days the plan is to use the car. I ride to be healthy, not to get squished by either somebody's out of control auto, or my own slip-sliding bike.

If the weekends are crappy, I don't get out and run. I know people who like ugly-weather runs. They are crazy.

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