Tuesday 22 March 2011

Seminars up North

My instructor, Perry Foster made it a policy to bring up a variety of Shotokan instructors. I carried this on, both to promote better learning, and also to do rank gradings as I was not qualified to test people. Kept doing seminars even after I was permitted to give exams. They are also fun.

We had Robert Sidoli, and Mike Scales a time or two each.

Norma Foster came once or twice, when she was a second degree and a Champion competitor. Over dinner she told me that it was the first Karate seminar ever in BC with a woman as the guest instructor. If she was correct, I guess we made some small history. Her story is pretty cool. Later she would reach 3rd Dan in Shotokan, and then switch to Wado Ryu. I think she is now a 7th Dan in Wado, as well as being the most highly qualified woman at world-level refereeing.

We had Andy Holmes many, many times. Besides being a great instructor and nice guy, he has been Provincial Champ many times, and Canadian Champ at least once that I know of. When our little northern club was about to be banned from competition because we had no Black Belt, he said, "Put me down as your club's instructor. See what they do with that." Never had another problem.

Sakurai Sensei also came many times. At first, he scared us to death. Turned out over time to be a true gentleman. He is also a big kid in the joy he gets out of the simplest things. Once he spent every spare moment going from store to store searching for a pair of cowboy boots. His depth of Karate knowledge is astounding.

They all helped us so much, yet they never wanted fawning gratitude. I guess someone earlier had helped them along in their journey. Cycle of life?

Maybe something like that. Remind me to tell you about toes.

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