Thursday 24 March 2011


Victoria holds my childhood. I'll always love the place. Much can only be recognized in fleeting glimpses. Much of it has to do with food.

The food of my childhood was always simple, and tended to include abundant cooking. Ever eaten burnt creamed corn?

Later, eating out was added and it became a passion of mine. Helen can always brighten my day by suggesting a meal out, and she's a fabulous cook.

In today's Victoria, the absolutely finest fare is Pizza from a two-location establishment called Prima Strada. They do it the real way, with big brick ovens at a million degrees. Pizzas take maybe two minutes to cook. The toppings are perfect. Don't expect an inch-thick meat eaters or Hawaiian pineappled creation. For the length of your meal you will be eating as in Naples.

Victoria has come a long way. Change isn't always bad.

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