Monday 1 December 2014

Shawn's Test

It can be hell being retired. We have to fit all our lovely trips into our year in a logical and satisfying pattern. It can also be a hassle trying to fit Jiu-Jitsu progress into the bundle.

Neither Helen nor I wish to do any travelling in the warm months, except maybe to visit friends and family fairly close to home. That means we stay close to home from April until October.

December holds Christmas, and that's spoken for.

That leaves November, plus January through March as our travel times.

We like having two trips a year; one in November and one after Christmas.

In 2015, our after-Christmas trip starts in the middle of February and and runs just past the end of March. We are headed to Arizona, with a two-week LA stop for Jiu-Jitsu training with the Gracies on the way down. This isn't really a training trip, but I couldn't pass buy without tacking on a couple of weeks on the HQ mat.

Our November 2015 trip so far is looking like a month in LA again. More Jiu-Jitsu. Twice as much this time.

I am hoping for a promotion to Blue Belt Stripe Three before we head south in February. This would make it possible to be Blue Belt Stripe Four in time for the November training month.

Why does that matter?

If I am rolling around with four belt stripes in November, the Gracies will know that my next step is Purple. I will get treated differently than if I'm still wearing three. They will expect more, but also give help and advice appropriate to that next step.

Everything was on schedule perfectly with my Jiu-Jitsu ranks, but a good thing has just made it all kind of shakey. Headquarters just released the next level of Gracie University examination. That's the good thing I'm talking about.

That means all local promotions are on hold until the instructors are able to complete the exam. The exam requires a major commitment of time and energy to complete.

I'm sure our instructor, Shawn Philips, will get right on it. First, he has to get back from Mexico. As soon as he does, we shut down for two weeks over Christmas. Let's say he gets it all done in the month after that, and submitted on January 31st. This assumes nothing pops up to delay him. Let's say that the flood of exam submissions does not overload the system beyond a normal, longish wait period for results. Let's assume that this takes three weeks, and that on February 21st he can again issue promotions.

That has me already in LA training with the Gracies and unavailable for promotion. When I get home early in April he'll likely award my my third stripe.

This means I won't be eligible for a fourth until December, a month after my fall 2015 visit to LA. No special attention from the Gracies for me. Crap. My next time in LA won't happen until fall of 2016 at the earliest, and that will be the one where I get evaluated for Purple Belt.

It all still works, but will be slightly less ideal for me.

So let's look at it pro-actively (I hate that word). What can I do to get things to turn out the way I want them?

I certainly can't get the rules changed, nor can I speed up HQ's evaluation of Shawn's BBS2 exam. I can, however, try and help him get his exam done as quickly and easily as possible.

He usually uses his son Scott for his own training, but I can try and keep myself ready to be a spare. It takes almost as much work to be a good partner as it is to prepare the drills themselves. The partner needs to know all of the appropriate behaviours for the test candidate to react to. Being retired, I certainly have the time.

I suppose all of this might make it possible for me to do the test soon, too. I hadn't been planning to do so, but if it falls in my lap why not? I just might, as long as this doesn't slow Shawn down at all. Perhaps I'd do mine after his has submitted.

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