Wednesday 10 December 2014

Dark and stormy night

I get a little obsessed.

I've been plugging away at weight loss for about three and a half weeks now. Started at 190, with a goal of 175. It's been going very well.

Some days progress is noticeable, and others it is not. Overall, I've dropped 12 pounds so far.

I've cut back on food, of course, but also have tried keeping my level of activity high. I do about 10 hours of Jiu-Jitsu a week, and do a bit of running as well.

The running started off really well, but weather here on the coast is not the most pleasant during November and December. We are lucky in being the only part of Canada where we often see totally snow-free winters. What we get is cold, and rain.

For the last few days we've also been having freakishly high tides, and extremely high winds, along with heavy, driven, rain.

Very yucky. So I've not been running.

Then I weighed in today, and was down well over a pound over the day before. Now that's performance. I realize that it's a normal fluctuation, just as on some days my weight actually goes up a bit.

No matter; I am inspired. The momentum must continue.

Today there are two hours of Jiu-Jitsu, which really is quite enough exercise. At least, for somebody who has not been inspired to burn the fat. Therefore, I'm sitting here with a coffee, all suited up to run in the high-wind, rain-driven cold. Not only shall I run in the storm, I will do so along the town waterfront.

I shall be rain-lashed and soaked, and running through the wave-battered dark day.

I shall feel tough, and virtuous, and wet and cold.

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