Thursday 18 December 2014

Holiday Diet

I've been on this weight loss kick for 34 days so far, and have lost an impressive average of one third of a pound per day. Sadly, this is all about to come apart with my goal in sight.

This is the last day of Jiu-Jitsu classes until January 6th. That's 19 days away.

Jiu-Jitsu classes have burned over a day-and-a-half's worth of calories per week all on their own.

Calorie burn has been a huge part of my weight loss program. All I'll still have will be running. That works, but it isn't as fun. There is also a limit to how far I can run in a day. It's a pounding type of activity, and I ain't no spring chicken.

Running is also highly weather dependant. If snow hits, I won't hit the road at all. If things just remain cold and rainy, some days I just can't get myself motivated.

It will also be officially the Christmas season. That implies lots of food temptations. I fully expect to consume at least a couple of billion calories on Christmas Day alone.

I'll be lucky to just hold my current weight until things get back to normal in January.

If I can, and things go back to how they are now I'll be hitting my weight goal after a week back at full activity and dieting.

That will make me 175 pounds. I intend on going for another week and getting down to 173. There is always a rebound after weight loss, and that 2-pound difference will be my buffer.

After that, any time my early-morning weight goes over 175 for two days in a row, it's all on again until I get under 173. That will be as much weight variation as I will allow myself; 173 to 175.

The cool part is that with all the Jiu-Jitsu and running that I normally do I get to eat more than most people and not increase in chubbiness.

The thing that ever does me in are vacations. I end up eating more in the form of restaurant meals, and far less exercise. Cruises are the absolute worst in this regard.

Our next cruise, and all its dangers, isn't until late spring.

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