Tuesday 2 December 2014


I've been lodged in my big chair, feet up and all comfy.

While sitting, I've been going over the list of techniques on the first part of the BBS2 exam. There are 62 of them. It's very hard for the candidate to remember exactly what is required for each, but that is not my job. I'm trying to learn the partner's role.

Sometimes it's easy. After item 6, I end up face down on the mat. I get up, climb into mount position on my partner. When he turns to his side I hop into modified side mount, and let him and gravity do their thing for movement 7. I get up into mount again, hop into modified side mount again when he moves, and get flung away again with move 8. Easy as pie for me.

Sometimes it's harder. Moves 1, 2, and 3 are all woven together. In this sequence, I have to present the proper movements at the appropriate time for my partner to interpret and counter.

At least once in the test there is a sequence where my partner takes a position, I counter it, he counters my counter. I then physically refuse to let him complete his move, so he counters that.

It's a lot to get ready for.

Shawn is our instructor, and he's the one getting ready for the exam. It's a rule of the Gracies that every instructor must be up-to-date on all the Gracie University exams. The current BBS2 exam was just made available. Until an instructor passes the new BBS2 exam their ability to issue rank promotions is put on hold.

I was hoping to get promoted by the middle of February. We have about a half dozen students whose last promotion was in June. Their 8-month minimum training period will be up in February as well, and they should become eligible for their next promotions. We're all on hold.

Shawn has said he is hoping to do 1/3 of the test as soon as possible, another third in January, and the last in February. This is a sensible pace for this type of exam.

My best guess is that if he performs on that timeline, he might just be finished in mid-February. Likely Headquarters will be getting swamped with submissions from instructors trying to keep up their qualifications. Even if this causes only a normal-but-long grading turn around of 3 weeks, Shawn's pass won't be back before March.

For some in our club this will mean a slight delay of maybe a month in their next promotion.

For me, it will be a bit worse. If I cannot get my next stripe by mid-February I'll be gone south until April. I've gotten used to the idea that is what will happen, but I'm going to do whatever I can to accelerate Shawn's test.

Therefore, I'm getting ready to be a prepared training partner for him. This just might get things going in a slightly accelerated manner. Likely it won't speed things up at all, but it costs me nothing except for a bit of effort.

I'm also happy to be able to help him any small way I can. He does a lot for our whole group.

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