Friday 28 November 2014

Doing the visit the Starbucks thing

I've been running lately, which is a nice change from being stuck on the couch. The only problem is all I've been doing is running. Running in cold, wet, rain, deep-puddle November.

Today, it's cold but nice and sunny. To start my run off on the right foot I've gone to Starbucks. I'm sitting in a comfy chair, with a big, steaming, coffee. The atmosphere is cozy and congenial.

This could be a big mistake; starting off with cozy and then going off to run in the cold, but we'll see.

I actually don't feel like running at all today, so I'm forcing myself. Tuesday through Thursday I burn thousands of calories at Jiu-Jitsu. Today and tomorrow, I train in an unstructured way with nowhere near the intensity. Sunday and Monday there is no JJ at all.

I'm trying to slim down my boyish figure, and calorie burn is a huge part of it. Weight has been melting away at an astonishing rate and I'd like to keep up the momentum. Therefore, I must run.

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