Thursday 28 November 2013

Year totals

Goals can be tricky.

I set one back in April when I retired. I was to run 15km per week until the end of the year. Turns out, this was very easy to achieve.

By December 31, the goal total will be 587km. I am currently at 618km, well passed the target already.

My other mileage goal was to bang off 50km per week on the bike. This was much more ambitious. I need to hit 1957km, and still have a ways to go. I am only at 1695km. As there won't be any cycling during the Christmas holidays, there are only three weeks left to wrap this puppy up.

My trusty spreadsheet says I can finish by riding 11.9km per day until the holidays.

In the summer this would be a piece of cake. Now? Not so much.

On decent days it is easy to go over the daily goal, but nasty weather brings things to a halt. The forecast even shows a chance of snow in a few day.

To make my self-imposed and totally arbitrary goal I need to really ramp it up. Tuesday I rode 28 and yesterday 15km. Today will also be over-target by quite a bit. I want to be able to cover a couple of non-riding wet/snow days.

Will I do all this nonsense again in the New Year? I think so, as it does get me pushing to achieve my totals.

I think I'll bump my running goal up to 20km a week up from 15. It was almost too easy this time.

Biking will drop from 50km per week down to 40. The 50 goal was just a wee bit too much considering all the non-bike traveling we do.

I can run wherever we are, but it's hard to bike when the bike is far away at home.

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