Sunday 17 November 2013

Toe Touchlessness

Karate is definitely hard on the body.

This weekend I've been at a Karate seminar for Black Belts. There has been nothing like free fighting. It has all been technique and Kata.

This is all done in formal, low stances. There have been a significant amount of kicking, but nothing unusual. Lots of hand/arm technique but they have not been a problem.

The stances and kicking put pressure on the legs in a way not encountered in normal life.

Keep in mind that I'm in good shape for a guy my age. I run and bike all the time, and train in Jiu-Jitsu 1-3 hours a day; six days a week. However, I have NOT been training in Karate recently at all. No kicking or moving in low stances at all.

I was tired after the first day of training. My only problem to that point was an ankle that was just plumb tired to the core, and had pretty much stopped bending.

By the middle of the second day I really couldn't kick anymore at all. The muscles just couldn't do the motions anymore. My lower back wasn't bending anymore. It didn't hurt, but I couldn't have done a toe touch for a million bucks. An hour later, I couldn't have touched my knees.

Today I'm at home, shuffling about like a zombie.

It's really my own fault. If I even did occasional training my legs and back would have been ready. As Karate goes, this weekend was pretty non-demanding. It was all focused around information rather than sweat.

Next weekend I go back. It will no longer be restricted to only Black Belts, and will not be focused on information. There will be a much bigger sweat-and-strain component.

Just in time to cripple me up again.

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