Thursday 7 November 2013

I been Nuked

Never trust the bastards.

I've been using a lovely, simple little app on my iPad to do my word processing.

Recently, they updated it to be more IOS7ish, which is fine. They also slipped in a few pop-up ads, which is annoying, but I can live with that.

The new version also decided to nuke all the files I'd saved.

How is that for user friendly?

Needless to say, I have removed it from my device.

Who can I trust? Likely nobody, but soon I shall have Apple's own word processor installed. It is called Pages. New device owners get free access, and I'll soon have a new iPad.

Likely it will do more than I need, which means more complication. Microsoft has said they will soon be releasing an IOS version of Office. That will have to be a whole other level of difficulty to master, and have a hefty pricetag.

It all reminds me of my days as a tech teacher when people would say, "Which do you prefer; Windows or Mac."

And I'd answer, "NEITHER."

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