Tuesday 30 August 2011


There is one thing I really like in training.

Perhaps I should start by saying what I don't like. The instructor has somebody play attacker with, say, a right hand body punch. Has defender step back with a left hand block.

So far so good.

They then turn the defense into a combination by sticking on some randomly chosed counter attack. That is what I don't like.

What I like is the addition of a second technique which has been well thought out. I really like this.

When I was an instructor, I would prepare this ahead of time. I would think through likely opponent responses, check distance problems, and the like. I'd prepare maybe 3 rock solid second moves. Each would be taught separately, with plenty of drill repetition. Then, when everybody could perform all the combos, I'd let them pick their favourite to work on.

I also really like this approach to non-partner training, too. Not just any old combo, but ones that are most effective strung together.

The University of Victoria club's instructor made her drills very real. Her focus is tournament fighting, and she uses that angle to bring things alive.

Sakurai Sensei makes things very real. I've never seen him ask us to do anything that didn't make perfect sense, combat-wise. He even does this with Kata. Most intructors think they do this, but they really don't, or they distort the Kata to make things fit.

I really like a class were every move I make is a viable combat action. It will look the same to an insider, but it won't be.

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