Sunday 28 August 2011


A normal month of Karate for me has been about a dozen classes.

July had 2 or so at home plus 3 in Victoria. Add in 6 more in Chilliwack. I'm calling July a full training month.

How about August? One class at home, and if I can pull it off another one in Victoria. Total of two. That's a tad short.

September will be normal once more.

My running quota has been more than kept up, as has bike mileage.

Summer is my favourite time. My usual training can get hooped up, but not really.

Even though this year my Karate looks about halved, that is a false assumption. The six classes in Chilliwack were with one of the world's finest instructors. To me, they are each worth 10 normal classes.

My Summer total of 7 normal classes, with 6 taught by Sakurai Sensei is actually more like 67 sessions.

This year, I win.

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