Monday 4 July 2011


Perfect day today, weather wise. Blue skies, blazing sunshine, the works.

Couple of downsides. We wasted a mess of time outside in the yard. I call it ripping out plants. Helen calls it weeding.

The blackberries are the worst. It's like having massive bales of ninja-zombie barbed wire that crawls slowly in from every side. "Brains...brains..."

I go at them with my bo. That's a 6 foot Okinawan staff. I've modified it with an 18 inch blade on one end. Works pretty good.

The best part was bike riding. No goal, except to rack up the miles. I have a foot thing happening, so I can't run. To make up my 6km running goal, I figure I need 36km on the bike. Did that and a tad over for luck. Found out that riding on a too-small frame can cause knee pain.

How come everything can cause knee pain?

It's off to McDonalds for supper. What the heck is a McRibb. Helen has her heart set on one of those. After McSupper, we're off to see a recent Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts movie. It seems like a chick flick, but I like Tom Hanks. Pity I dislike Julia Roberts.

She used to be OK, and even decent looking, but then she got one of those lovely Hollywood lip jobs. It looks like her mouth is lined with a couple of bratwurst. Who decided that is attractive?

Must have been a German.

1 comment:

  1. Hhhaaha oh stromkins u crack me up , lol a german !! its always the germans faults isn't it? lol
