Wednesday 27 March 2013

Blues and Whites

Today it was interesting at Jiu-Jitsu.

The instructor is away for a week. Last night two of the Blue Belts team taught the White Belt class with two more of us in attendance to help out. After that Corey showed up to teach the Blue Belt class.

Tonight the schedule is a little different. The White Belt class is only for the more advanced students, to be followed by a normal Blue Belt class.

Three eager White Belts showed up, and I was the only Blue Belt there to lead things. When their time was up, and they left I was all alone.

Should I have lead the class where I, as the instructor, would have been teaching myself, as the only student? Not a good idea, as I don't know the curriculum.

I decided to cancel the class and sent myself home.

Luckily, this week's technique is fairly simple, and losing one Blue Belt class isn't the end of the world.

Tomorrow, there will be the big, White Belt group. There should be plenty of Blues around. Even if none want to stay for Blue Belt time, I'll stay and review things in general, and what Corey showed us on Tuesday. The instructor might even be back for all the training.

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