Friday 7 February 2014

Numbers Game

There are a lot of numbers involved with this Gracie Academy training holiday.

The goal was set to be 8 weeks of training. Information online listed 11 Master Cycle classes each week. That meant 88 classes appropriate to my level. I was good with that.

Upon arriving, I discovered that there 2 additional, early morning classes weekly as well. That meant 13 per week, or a total of 104 sessions. That's just over 18% more awesomeness.

Keep in mind that this is all only going to be possible if my body holds up. Besides fatigue, I have to avoid any major damage, or even an accumulation of minor bumps and bruises.

Then I discovered 1 Saturday class late in January was being cancelled. The new grand total became 103. I called the no-training Saturday, "a healing day." It was needed.

Today it was posted that several classes will be cancelled a couple of weeks from now. This includes 2 classes of mine. The total is now 101.

I am secretly pleased. The cancellations are both in my final week, making it the lightest of any in the two months (by a tiny bit). It might actually feel like I'm taking it easy.

This will still be 13 more classes in total than I was expecting on arrival.

So far, it looks like I will hold up until the very end. 101 is an impressive sounding number of classes to me.

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