Wednesday 12 February 2014


There are common behaviours that I just don't get.

Most of the students at the Gracie Academy are serious and hard working, but not all of them. There are a few who only want to try a technique one or two times, and then just sit about.

They have managed to find the time and motivation to attend, and then do so in a half-assed way.

I can understand not wanting to be there, but if so, why be there? If I didn't want to do Jiu-Jitsu, I'd stay home and not do Jiu-Jitsu.

It's not like training like a lump will make you better at the art.

Since I've been here, there have been two UFC World Champions on the matt. They are the best at what they do.

One is from Brazil, and the other from the USA. One started in Karate, and the other in Judo. One is male, and one is female. However, they have one thing in common.

When they train, they are 100% focused on the training. Neither so much as smiles while they work. They stare at the instructors with laser-like intensity; to miss nothing. They are fully engaged.

They do not train like lumps.

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