Thursday 6 February 2014


Out of a planned 48 training days, there are 21 left. That works out to 39 classes. Of those, 7 start at dawn.

Out of all 21 days, with 39 classes, those 7 are the ones I'll miss the least.

I always awake in plenty of time to get there. You'd think they'd be a perfect match for an early riser, but you'd be wrong.

It isn't the physical activity. At home I often go for runs or bike rides at that hour. The problem is that I have to start really thinking before my brain wants to.

And not slow, crusty, morning thinking either. Jiu-Jitsu requires observation, analysis, focus, and memory.

I can do it in the early hours, but I don't like it.

My inclination would be to drop the morning classes, but this trip is a major investment, and every single class is valuable.

In about an hour, there will only be 6 left.

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