Monday 16 December 2013


We've driven to California many times, but never in the winter. My parents used to do that all the time, and apparently there is an issue with snow and Interstate 5 around the Oregon/California border.

I don't like driving in snow at the best of times, so we'll likely head out to the sea after we hit Portland, following the Columbia River. From there we'll hug the ocean. Our first night's stop will be someplace in Oregon.

The next day we'll do the coast road until we're in the San Francisco Bay area, then head back over to I5. The sleeping second stop will be someplace around there.

The last day of driving will all be zipping along on the freeway, and will get us to our Los Angeles hotel after a light road day. This will be Sunday.

I start training Monday. The schedule is pretty complicated, but every weekday there is a class that starts between 11am and noon. They last from an hour to an hour-and-a-half, and end anywhere from noon until 1:30pm.

There is always an evening class as well. These start between 6:30 and 8:30pm; last 60-90 minutes; and end between 8pm and 9:30.

This creates an afternoon break each day of varying length. The shortest is 5 hours, and the longest 8.5 hours.

Monday the break is a short one of 5 hours. This is a respectable chunk of time, but I doubt I'll want to go very far afield that first training day.

Tuesday the gap is 8.5 hours. Disneyland is about half an hour away. I bet we'll do the half-hour drive over and do our first of many visits. We'll be purchasing annual passes even though we'll only be in the area two months. It's cheaper that way.

We'll keep entertained through the week as I train. Helen is even investigating a music group in nearby Gardena. Our hotel is walking distance to the academy, so Helen can have the car if she wants.

On Saturday there is a single one-hour class that is over by noon. On Sunday there is nothing in the timetable at all. Weekends will be largely dedicated to having fun. I think we can find find ways to keep entertained in Los Angeles. If not, there are always things slightly farther afield. San Diego and Palm Springs pop to mind. Each is a two-hour drive away.

All assuming my old body holds out, of course.

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