Monday 15 April 2013

Monthly Trips

As a retired man of leisure, I'd like to do something cool in the way of travel every month. It need not always be something big, but I'd like there to be something.

For the first couple of months, this just won't be possible. Helen doesn't start her year leave until July. I'll call that the start.

July and August are easy. We will be off to Victoria, and Vernon, and camping at Long Beach. At the end of summer we are off on a usual Alaska cruise.

It gets iffy after that. The first couple of months of 2014 will see us in Los Angeles, so that's covered. Christmas will be in Victoria, so that is easy.

That just leaves September, October, and November.

We have family in Victoria that we have been off to visit every Christmas, Spring Break, and Summer. Without the pressure of work, I bet we'll be off there again for a week or so in the fall. That leaves only two months needing trips.

We haven't been to Vegas in several years and are definitely overdue. I bet we'll find some super, off-season deal that we can snap up.

I'm sure something will pop up. Nature abhors a vacuum.

Of coarse, this is just an intellectual game. There is nothing magical or special about month-long slices of time. It all has to fit within the structure of our lives as well.

Helen has tons of music it will all have to fit within, and I have heaps of martial arts. I don't want any trip to mess up my progress until I reach my next level. After that, I am mister flexible.

It's a noble little goal. We shall see.

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