Friday 12 April 2013


No limits. Anything is possible.

Not exactly.
Can I earn a new level in Jiu-Jitsu and add a stripe to my belt this year? Yes I can and will.
Will I continue to progress in rank after that? Is a Purple Belt possible, or a Brown one, or Black?
If the training cycle continues at our school, and I never miss training, a second Blue-Belt stripe could happen for me in 2015, a third in 2017, and a 4th early in 2019. A Purple Belt could be achieved late in 2019. I would be 63.
It sounds do-able, but it really isn't.
After I get my first stripe later this year, my pace will change. I will continue to train, but we plan on traveling. This will leave big gaps in my knowledge of the curriculum. These days I fix any gaps with private lessons. I will no longer be doing this. Our expenses need to be scaled back and aimed to more important life goals.
Big gaps will mean I'll have to repeat the entire training cycle at least once. This will effectively double the time it takes me to gain levels. If the gods of chance are against me, it could triple the time.
Assuming a doubling of time to earn rank, I could get to Purple Belt late in 2023. By then I'll be 67 years old. That's over 11 years after first earning my Blue Belt.
I might be a Purple Belt someday, but maybe not.
Everything is not possible. There are limits.
What is certainly possible is that I will continue to train to the best that my situation and body will allow.

The belts and belt stripes are ephemera.

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