Sunday 24 February 2013

New Kinda Winter

This isn't a particularly cold part of Canada, but the winters here are dark and very wet. It would be a good time to get away. In my entire life I've only been away from Canada once in the winter.

My parents used to have a place in Palm Springs, and we spent one winter vacation there with them. It was warm, sunny, and the songbirds were out every morning.

This coming winter, Helen and I will be in Los Angeles for January and February. This should nicely break up the winter-ness.

What will we do? I'll be at Jiu-Jitsu eleven times a week. The rest of my time, and all of Helen's will be free. What else will be do?

Helen likes Disneyland a lot, almost as much as me. We'll be there at least weekly. Probably it will be more, and only a half hour drive away.

We've been down there many times, and have done a fair bit of other stuff. Most of it we haven't done in decades. We'll certainly have time.

Hollywood, and Universal Studios? You bet. Japantown, the wax museum, Griffith Park Zoo, the Queen Mary, San Pedro, Santa Monica, and Venice Beach are all musts.

We haven't ever done the La Brea Tar Pits, and I've wanted to for years. There are lots of other things we've never discovered.

A bit farther away and we can get to Santa Barbara, or San Diego, or Palm Springs. I love the missions scattered around the area, too.

It could be a full-time job just hunting out eateries.

We'll also be right next to a giant mall, with another a short drive away.

I think our folding bikes need to go along.

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