Friday 15 February 2013

New Blues

Bit of a milestone this week.

I'm working away the Jiu-Jitsu curriculum from either end. My level has a total of 60 techniques and their variations.

In group lessons we've completed the first 16 of the 60. In solo lessons I've done from 60 down to 56.

That means I've done 20 of the 60 techniques. I am exactly 1/3 of the way through. Huzzah.

Also this week my instructor decided that the group lesson can cut the normal 3-week review period down to 2 weeks for my level. This was because I'm the only one my level doing the group lessons, and I review every week at open mat time.

It would be great if there were more people my level working on the group lessons, but being the only regular one has shaved another week off of my goal date. It's nice that my instructor is supportive of my goal.

I can't see this happening again. Even if none of the other current Blues starts training regularly again, Ryan will soon be joining us. He's working through his test for Blue Belt right now. The only thing holding him back is his work schedule.

He is eager to get done, so he can start coming to the Blue Belt sessions. They happen an hour later than his current class. His work schedule would no longer be in conflict.

No more shortened review periods, but a regular partner to train with will be sweet.

The next to be ready for Blue won't be far behind. April would be his month to start testing. He's a keener, too.

Two Blue Belts in two months. That's pretty good.

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